Professional Services

We can build something amazing and change our world!

Do you want to collaborate and create meaning in your personal life or business? Are you open to alternative methods, leading change, and breakthrough transformations?

I bring my whole, authentic self to integrate award-winning business skills with creative talents, supported by a lifetime of well-honed intuitive abilities.

Intuitive Readings

Yes, I talk to dead people. Actually, they do most of the talking!

I am a conduit, a voice, a pathway for people to connect with their soul-selves, guides, angels, ancestors, and loved ones.

In 2013 I had a near-death experience (NDE) where my body expired and my energy and consciousness traveled “home.” It was pure bliss to be love, energy, and infinite. And… I chose to come back! I have a little life goal list for this sensory playground.

Book a 60- or 90-minute session. We can meet in person or remote via video chat. It’s easy, fun, and supportive:

  • Bring your intention or question, with an open mind.

  • We do a short meditation and let the messages come through.

Creative & Strategy Consulting

I am a Harvard Innovations award-winning strategist and consultant with an excellent resume that includes:

  • Working at the C-suite level, across hundreds of Federal government agencies & worldwide enterprise in Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing, & Collaborative methodologies,

  • Teaming with entrepreneurs and start-ups in creative fields, metaphysical and spiritual communities, software, and emerging technologies.

  • Leading successful programming, content strategy, production, and business development initiatives at the forefront of top-tier media companies.

Today I choose and am delighted to work with partners and clients who are conscious, authentic, and purpose-driven; especially environmentalists, creatives, feminists, and leaders in change for social good

I bring a full array of abilities to projects, including a visionary mindset and intuitive insights.

This earth is a wondrous playground, every moment of our lives a million miracles of existence. We are infinite love.

Jennica J says:

“This reading was monumental in being present for my only living grandparent’s last day on Earth. I had zero intentions to fly home anytime soon and Tammi said that I was needed back home, as soon as she said the words I knew it was for my grandmother. I booked a flight within the week and made it home to see her for one final day alive and breathing and was present for her final breath. While it was a very hard moment I was so truly grateful to have had this encouragement to fly home and see her one last time. Tammi is very gifted.”

Traci S. (Cleveland, OH) says:

“Tammi and I have been getting together for meditations and readings for years, whether for business guidance or personal connection with loved ones who have passed. Sometimes these are planned occurrences where we have an intention to connect and/or have something answered and other times, they are intuitive, in-the-moment, reads.

Time spent with Tammi is always on-point. She has shared messages from deceased loved ones that have been joyful, loving, and inspirational at times when I felt unhappy, unloved, and uninspired to move. When I’ve consulted with her about my business life, she is knowledgeable and motivational and points out new ideas that help me move forward in a positive way. She is engaged with our higher frequencies and vibrations and the warm messages of interconnectedness and love that come forth, not outcomes.

I will admit, I haven’t always liked what she has had to share. But it was always what I needed to know and hear exactly when I needed to know and hear it. In those times when I’m finally able to remove my own ego and stubbornness, the reality of love and the message from my guides and higher self are as bright as the sun and the path clear. I highly recommend you spend time with Tammi. You will not be disappointed.“

Leena says:

“I had the privilege of experiencing a reading with Tammi in 2022, and it was truly a transformative experience. Tammi's ability to connect with the spiritual realm is remarkable, and her accuracy left me in awe.

During the reading, Tammi brought through messages from my grandmother and aunt, both of whom had recently passed. The details she provided were incredibly specific and resonated deeply with me.

One particular moment stood out when Tammi accurately described a piece of homemade sweets (sheerpara) that my aunt used to make—a treat that holds a special place in my heart. The way Tammi described its size, shape, color, and texture was so precise that I felt as though my aunt was right there with us.

Tammi's reading was not only accurate but also deeply comforting. Her ability to channel messages from the other side brought me immense peace and reassurance. I left the session feeling a profound sense of connection with my loved ones and a renewed understanding of the spiritual world.

I cannot recommend Tammi's services highly enough. Her genuine compassion, incredible accuracy, and profound connection make her an exceptional medium. If you're seeking clarity, closure, or simply a deeper connection with the spiritual realm, Tammi is truly gifted and I am grateful for the experience she provided.”